Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 48

Apparently another big day outside for the ladies--of course I missed it because I was inside working on their coop. I mean I did other stuff, too, but . . .
Windows are done (97%), sliding chicken-ramp door is done (90%), nest box is attached to the main door/wall . . . some real progress, though I'm ready for it to be all done.

Anyway, I guess the girls ate a lot of worms. I believe it because their poop is weird--but not smell weird, so I'm not complaining.

Noodle Soup, still looking pretty fat. Too bad we're not raising them for the table . . .

Salad Sandwich--how many shots do I have of her on one leg? I don't think I have any of the other girls doing this . . .

Pot Pie "No poop here, nothing to see, move along folks . . . "
(there is, in fact, poop behind that wing)


  1. sallie is adorable!
    pot pie and noodle are funny. mostly pot pie though

    i love three chicks a day!!!

  2. OMG! I can't believe you used the "T" word! Pot Pie just doesn't want you to shoot her when she's had a poop...a little privacy dude!

  3. I... am seriously in love with this whole project. They grow up so fast!

    I've always wanted chickens and found you thanks to where I've been exploring my options for my own home-grown flock. Thanks for such a great blog - it's adorable.
